Friday, 12 April 2013

Makin' movies, watching films and Climbin' Round The World! from Archie CB on Vimeo.

Sometimes I feel as though climbing videos are a little stale, and with this video I didnt really want to make another clone with 'Pretty Lights' backing music etc.

After cracking up while watching some of the videos on, I decided to try and make something similar for climbing. It was just after I started, that I realised that the thing people like to see in climbing movies is the climbing. So I made sure to put in three different trips in a car to start.

I had to tone down the ridiculous action from the inspiration so that the climbing still made sense, but I hope that some of the themes are still pretty apparent.

After I finished editing the first song's worth of video, I realised I had loads of stuff left over, so I decided to try and play around with some different styles, themes and atmospheres. I think that this will be pretty obvious once you start watching.

If you like certain parts, or have comments on others (remember the first part is somewhat of a joke) then please leave a comment below!

Toit de Cul de Chein - 1:10
Aerodynamite - 1:25
La Joker - 1:50
Carnage - 2:10
La Mouche - 2:40
Hopper - 3:15
Swingers Club - 3:25
Senza Denti - 3:42
So Lonely - 4:02
Dr Crimp - 4:41
Brechstange - 5:25
Not to be Taken Away - 6:58
Ben's Wall - 7:24
Razor Roof - 7:24
Captain Hook - 8:00
Brass Monkeys - 8:30

The music tracks are:
Excism - Xrated (ft Messinian)
Mountain Man - Animal Tracks
Of Oceans - In Love, Not Limbo

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